Performance Alexandra Kallos and Jens-Ingo Brodesser
After doing many workshops and exhibitions abroad,
its very exciting to be dancing in my hometown with
a new partner Jens-Ingo Brodesser!
He is a greek-german tangodancer living in Brussels.
We both share many years of professional dancing and studying in Buenos Aires with various maestros like Gavito, Gustavo Naveiro, Sebastian y Mariana, Chicho Frumboli, Dana y Pablo Frigoli to name but a few.
We hope to welcome you all and share this special performance with us!
Milonga 22.30 - 01.30 hs
Performance around 23.30 hs
Entrada 6 euro
Milonga Casa Valencia, Corcega 335, pral,
Barcelona ( M. Diagonal)
Jens-Ingo is also a professional DJ.
Not only a staple on the Brussels tangoscene but working at various festivals and milongas
in Copenhagen, Cologne, Amsterdam, Paris etc.
We will have the opportunity to experience his personal style of Dj-ing on the following saturday 3 of Dec. in the milonga Bellos Aires, Mir Geribert 8, 3 planta (M. Plaza Espagna)
Being greek he likes to introduce greek folkmusic called Rembetiko as cortinas.
Rembetiko is a greek cultural style of music that originated as a subculture in the greek ports and cities during the beginning and middle of the last century.
It shares its roots with other industrial subcultures like blues, fado, flamenco and tango.
Its lyrics generally reflect on the harsher realities of life.
Hope to see you all on thursday 1 Dec and lets make a great milonga on saturday 3 Dec !
Abrazos calidos,
Happy milonqueando!
EXHIBICION el Jueves 1 Dic. 2011
Habra exhibicion de Alexandra Kallos y Jens-Ingo Brodesser este jueves 1 Dic.
en la milonga Casa Valencia, Corcega 335, pral (M-Diagonal)
milonga 22.30-01.30 hs
exhibicion 24.00 hs
entrada 6 euro
DJ Jens el sabado 3 Dic. en la milonga Bellos Aires
Mir Geribert 8, tercero (M-Plaza Espagna)
entrada 5 euro
Os espero a todos!
abrazos calidos